First bite to the birds

Beating the rain to the allotment this morning, I spied the first ripe strawberry of the season!

Plump, shiny and scarlet…

….but on the flipside, totally ravaged by my feathered friends.  

Last year was the first season for our new strawberry plants, and the harvest was very small so I didn’t bother with much bird protection.

But the yield on the established plants (I have also added some new ones) is looking much healthier this year, so I definitely want to keep those pesky beaks away!

This morning I took delivery of bird netting, to complete my super-duper ‘Strawberry Shield’.

Made with some scrap wood, bamboos and bean poles – all lashed together with garden twine.

I’m rather chuffed with it, and it looks very secure now the netting is on.

Fingers crossed for some sunny weather in June, to give us a strawberry -filled summer.